Cu o experiență de peste 13 ani în domeniu compania noastră este specializată în proiectarea, vânzarea, montarea si service-ul diferitelor sisteme de rafturi metalice. Store Expert Logistic comercializează o gamă completă de sisteme și utilaje pentru depozitare: rafturi metalice portpalet, rafturi cantilever, rafturi mezzanine, rafturi mobile, rafturi cu poliță, rafturi pentru anvelope sau platforme de depozitare, drive-in, transpalete, moto(electro)stivuitoare, confecții metalice, -
Choice Appointments is a digit marketing and sales consulting firm. Consults in software concepts, mobile apps and streamline operations. Choice is a NJ diversity supplier, MBE, SBE and DOT DBE company. Choice can provide sales leads, sales, map out customer journeys, consult on creating sales teams, or create a back office solution for customer service, business analytics needs. Choice has experience in the insurance, health care, transportation and finance industries. -
«Provelo Electrique» spécialiste Français du vélo électrique, vous propose des Vélos Électriques, de ville, pliants, cargo, VTT, VTC de grandes marques. Achetez vos vélos en ligne, paiement 100% sécurisé, livraison gratuite. Garantie 2 ans. -
We supply personalised workwear & embroidered uniforms. High quality garments with professional embroidery at discount prices. Your logo embroidered or printed in full colour on work clothing and hi-vis workwear. We cater for all embroidered workwear needs. Bulk discount deals, wholesale work clothing & trade accounts. Gas safe clothing & free trade association logo’s. Free logo setup on orders £75+ No need to worry about workwear near me we do free delivery on orders £100+ -
Afrinet Staffing and Safety Solutions are Human Resources and Occupational Safety and Health Consultants. We offer Human Resource Recruitment, Consultancy, Payroll Processing, HR & OSH Compliance Trainings, OSH Statutory Audits, OSH Medical Examinations, HR and Occupational Safety & Health Consultancy Services